Long-Term Thermal Imaging (LTD, ECCV'22)
Dataset description
The LTD dataset used in the Seasons in Drift Challenge at ECCV'22 is an extension of an existing concept drift dataset and spans 188 days in the period of 14th May 2020 to 30th of April 2021, with a total of 1689 2-minute clips sampled at 1fps with associated bounding box annotations for 4 classes (Human, Bicycle, Motorcycle, Vehicle). The collection of this dataset has included data from all hours of the day in a wide array of weather conditions overlooking the harborfront of Aalborg, Denmark. In this dataset depicts the drastic changes of appearance of the objects of interest as well as the scene over time in a static surveillance context to develop robust algorithms for real-world deployment.
Camera Setup
######### Object Size Grouping Scheme ######### Small (<1024 pixels) Medium (1025-9695 pixels) Large (>9696 pixels) ############### Subset Overview ############### Subset name : Full-All Clips : 1689 Different days: 188 Timespan : 2020-05-14 - 2021-04-30 -------------- Object Presence ---------------- Empty frames : 844638 (78.9937217499792 %) Frames /w obj : 224609 (21.00627825002081 %) Total frames : 1069247 ########### Object Distributions ############## All* : 6868067 bicycle : 293280 human : 5841139 motorcycle : 32393 vehicle : 701255 Unique Objects: 143294 ------------------- Small --------------------- All* : 6092590 bicycle : 288081 human : 5663804 motorcycle : 27153 vehicle : 113552 ------------------- Medium -------------------- All* : 37468 bicycle : 7 human : 454 vehicle : 37007 ------------------- Large --------------------- All* : 738009 bicycle : 5192 human : 176881 motorcycle : 5240 vehicle : 550696 ###############################################
Links for Download and Challenge Instructions
As mentioned in the challenge description and challenge rules, each track has an associated train set, defined below.
- Track 1: Detection at day level (competition link): Train on a predefined and single day data and evaluate concept drift across time. The day is the 13th of February 2020 as it is the coldest day in the recorded data, due to the relative thermal appearance of objects being the least varied in colder environments this is our starting point.
- Track 2: Detection at week level (competition link): Train on a predefined and single week data and evaluate concept drift across time. The week selected is the week of the 13th – 20th of February 2020 - (i.e. expanding from our starting point)
- Track 3: Detection at month level (competition link): Train on a predefined and single month data and evaluate concept drift across time. And the selected month is the entire month of February.
The data is split in this manner so as to have an anchor point in the temporal domain from where we measure the concept drift from.
By downloading the data, you agree with the Terms and Conditions of the Challenge. All files are encrypted! To discompress the data, use the associated keys. Decryption keys are provided on Codalab after registration, based on the schedule of the challenge.
Decompressing the data: on Ubuntu, you can install 7zip and decompress the train data as follows:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
$ 7z x Train.zip.001
- Train images: Train.zip.001, Train.zip.002, Train.zip.003, Train.zip.004, Train.zip.005, Train.zip.006, Train.zip.007, Train.zip.008
- Train annotations: Train.zip.001
- Validation images (without annotations): Valid.zip.001, Valid.zip.002, Valid.zip.003, Valid.zip.004, Valid.zip.005,
Valid.zip.006, Valid.zip.007, Valid.zip.008, Valid.zip.009, Valid.zip.010, Valid.zip.011, Valid.zip.012,
Valid.zip.013, Valid.zip.014, Valid.zip.015, Valid.zip.016, Valid.zip.017
- Validation annotations: Valid.zip.001 (new)
- Test data (without annotations): Test.zip.001, Test.zip.002, Test.zip.003, Test.zip.004, Test.zip.005, Test.zip.006, Test.zip.007, Test.zip.008, Test.zip.009, Test.zip.010, Test.zip.011, Test.zip.012, Test.zip.013, Test.zip.014, Test.zip.015, Test.zip.016, Test.zip.017 (new)
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