S. Escalera, J. Gonzàlez, X. Baró and J. Shotton, Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on Multimodal Human Pose Recovery and Behavior Analysis.
F. Zhou and F. De la Torre, Spatio-Temporal Matching for Human Pose Estimation in Video.
B. Wandt, H. Ackermann, and B. Rosenhahn, 3D Reconstruction of Human Motion from Monocular Image Sequences.
M. Ye, Y. Shen, C. Du, Z. Pan, and R. Yang, Real-Time Simultaneous Pose and Shape Estimation for Articulated Objects Using a Single Depth Camera.
T. von Marcard, G. Pons-Moli, and B. Rosenhahn, Human Pose Estimation from Video and IMUs.
C.A. Corneanu, M.O. Simón, J.F. Cohn, and S.E. Guerrero, Survey on RGB, 3D, Thermal, and Multimodal Approaches for Facial Expression Recognition: History, Trends, and Affect-Related Applications.
M. Sigalas, M. Pateraki, and P. Trahanias, Full-Body Pose Tracking - The Top View Reprojection Approach.
D. Wu, L. Pigou, P.-J. Kindermans, N. D.-H. Le, L. Shao, J. Dambre, and J.-M. Odobez, Deep Dynamic Neural Networks for Multimodal Gesture Segmentation and Recognition.
C.F. Crispim-Junior, V. Buso, K. Avgerinakis, G. Meditskos, A. Briassouli, J. Benois-Pineau, I. (Yiannis) Kompatsiaris, and F. Brémond, Semantic Event Fusion of Different Visual Modality Concepts for Activity Recognition.
J. Wan, G. Guo, and S.Z. Li, Explore Efficient Local Features from RGB-D Data for One-Shot Learning Gesture Recognition.
R. Zhao and A.M. Martinez, Labeled Graph Kernel for Behavior Analysis.
M. Yu, L. Liu, and L. Shao, Structure-Preserving Binary Representations for RGB-D Action Recognition.
Y. Panagakis, M.A. Nicolaou, S. Zafeiriou, and M. Pantic, Robust Correlated and Individual Component Analysis.
K.K. Roudposhti, U. Nunes, and J, Dias, Probabilistic Social Behavior Analysis by Exploring Body Motion-Based Patterns.
N. Neverova, C. Wolf, G. Taylor, and F. Nebout, ModDrop: Adaptative Multi-Modal Gesture Recognition.
X. Alameda-Pineda, J. Staiano, R. Subramanian, L. Batrinca, E. Ricci, B. Lepri, O. Lanz, and N. Sebe, SALSA: A Novel Dataset for Multimodal Group Behavior Analysis.
Ciprian A. Corneanu, Marc Oliu, Jeffrey F. Cohn, and Sergio Escalera, Survey on RGB, 3D, Thermal, and Multimodal Approaches for Facial Expression Recognition: History, Trends, and Affect-related Applications, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2016.
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