First Impressions V2 (CVPR'17) - Age labels
Data description
The dataset was annotated with apparent age range.
Each sample was annotated by a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 3 annotators.
The labels were made avaiable by Heysem Kaya and Albert Ali Salah.
Please cite the following paper for making reference to such annotations:
Escalante, H. J.; Kaya, H.; Salah, A. A.; Escalera, S.; Gucluturk, Y.; Guclu, U.; Baró, X.; Guyon, I.; Jacques Junior, J. C. S.; Madadi, M.; Ayache, S.; Viegas, E.; Gurpinar, F.; Wicaksana, A.S.; Liem, C.C.S.; van Gerven, M. A. J.; van Lier, R. "Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personality from Videos," IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAC), 2020.
The age groups used in the annotation are as follows
Group ID: Age Range
1: [0,6]
2: [7,13]
3: [14,18]
4: [19,24]
5: [25,32]
6: [33,45]
7: [46,60]
8: 61+
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