2023 Pedestrian Attribute Recognition and Attributed-based Person Retrieval Challenge at WACV
Challenge schedule
09/15/2022 Start of challenge
Release of training and validation data (with and without ground truth, respectively).
10/14/2022 Release of test data (without ground truth) and validation labels
Release of test data (without ground truth) and validation labels. At this stage the participants can download an encrypted version of the test-data and validation labels a few days ahead of the release of the decryption key, to ensure that participants regardless of internet connectivity are on an equal footing.
10/17/2022 Start of test phase (end of development phase)
Release of the decryption key for test data and validation labels. Participants start predicting the results on the test data. At this stage they can retrain (or fine-tune) their models with the additional validation set, while still following the challenge rules. Validation labels can only be used for hyper-parameter tuning and NOT for training.
10/31/2022 End of the Challenge
Deadline for submitting the final predictions over the test (evaluation) data.
11/01/2022 Code and fact sheets submission
Deadline for Code submission with detailed instructions (known as "code verification stage"). This includes a list of requirements, pretrained models, and so on. Note, training code with instructions is also required. Organizers strongly encourage the use of docker to facilitate reproducibility.
In addition to the code, participants are requested to submit the fact sheets using a template provided by the organizers.
Deadline timezone: Anywhere on Earth Time Zone - AOE
Additional details about code and fact sheets submission are provided in our challenge webpage, winning solutions (Post challenge) section.
11/10/2022 Release of final results
We encourage participants to submit a paper to the associated workshop, independently of their rank position.
Paper submission: – October 20th, 2022
Paper submission for challenge participants: – November 8th , 2022
Decision notification: – November 15th, 2022
Camera ready: – November 17th, 2022
WACV'23 Pedestrian Attribute Recognition and Attributed-based Person Retrieval Challenge
The ChaLearn WACV'23 Pedestrian Attribute Recognition and Attributed-based Person Retrieval Challenge has just opened on Codalab. Join us to push the boundaries of pedestrian attribute recognition and attributed-based person retrieval along with concept drift on an extension of the UPAR dataset.